Ayrshire Post

Forget the stars and get in step with a new fitness generation

- Fitness focus

Step Aerobics has been popular for decades in the fitness world.

Years ago Cher’s Step Workout was a number one VHS seller.

And take Jane Fonda who revolution­ised aerobic based workouts.

This aerobic routine was the breakthrou­gh in home fitness that really launched a whole generation of fitness fanatics.

Celebrity fitness videos also became big business.

These days you won’t see A list celebs such as Cher or Fonda releasing fitness videos, but back in the day you couldn’t move for them.

Pop Star and choreograp­her Paula Abdul released her own dance fitness video years before Zumba made it popular and 80’ s sex symbol Heather Locklear, star of Dynasty and TJ Hooker jumped on board with her own Personal Workout session.

Super model Cindy Crawford also released her own exercise regime on tape for millions of women world wide to watch.

As one of the most beautiful women in the world, I wonder how many people that bought that particular tape gave up when they realised that it might take more than exercise to truly look like Cindy.

Moving a little further forward, you can check out Mel B of Spice Girls fame.

In 2010 she released her own fitness dvd, there’s no denying that Mel has kept herself in shape over the years.

So you can see that celeb fitness has been around a lot longer than you think.

These days though a new generation of celebrity fitness is makng a mark in various private gyms and boutiques across the globe.

These days, the celebs don’t take much to do with it, but the dance and choreograp­hy that they use in their promotiona­l videos have inspired instructor­s to adapt their music videos into fitness sessions.

Beyonce has led Canadian instructor Nicky Nasrallah to launch his own fitness company Beyography.

Using iconic routines from singles such as Single Ladies, Nicky, often in four inch heels, puts his clients through a workout where they learn the steps and choreograp­hy.

His classes attracted a lot of media attention, and they still remain popular.

Hot on the heels of Beyonce, you can also attend Justin Bieber inspired sessions and workouts.

Bieber’s video “Sorry” has over a billion views on YouTube and the energetic and brightly colored dance routine simply makes you want to get up and dance.

It’s probably the equivalent of learning routines like Thriller and Vogue, you can’t help but wonder about the effort and work that must have went into creating that final perfect product.

So celebrity and fitness continues to go hand in hand and with technology the way it is today, you are only ever a click away from learning how to dance like Beyonce and Bieber.

Next time you are looking for a different way of moving find a great music video you enjoy and see if you can follow the steps, if nothing else, next night out you go on you could certainly turn a few heads on the dancefloor.

 ??  ?? Fonda workout Jane Fonda revolution­ised how we work out
Fonda workout Jane Fonda revolution­ised how we work out
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