Ayrshire Post

Horror fall Renwick on way back


It’s just over a year since Borders jump jockey Wilson Renwick suffered a horrendous fall at Market Rasen which has ruled him out of the saddle ever since.

I hear Wilson is likely to make a decision on whether he will return to racing within six months.

His injuries included breaking his C7 vertebrae, his collarbone, his jaw bone and two ribs and also had a massive haemotoma on his hip.

Although his bones healed fairly quickly, the nerves in his left arm have still not recovered. It’s now at the stage where a big decision on his career will have to be made.

Ironically what was a way of keeping his fitness levels up when he was out injured – cycling – could now be beckoning and Wilson could be switching saddles.

In a recent article he admitted that if he doesn’t resume horseridin­g he will dedicate 2017 to cycling and see how far it goes.

He has been told he has the potential to ride for a pro team and the 35- year- old intends to find out if that is possible but only if he can’t return to horse racing.

Wilson had his best ever season in 14- 15 with 60 winners and could count on such as Donald McCain to keep him supplied with rides. Now he could be swapping wet, windy afternoons at the likes of Hexham and Carlisle for the Tour de France!

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