Ayrshire Post

‘ I think we are going to drown’

Court hears of passenger terror on storm bus

- Michael Reynolds

Terrified passengers feared for their lives as a bus plunged into chest- deep floodwater.

And Josephine Smylie, 67, was so terrified she called her husband to say her final goodbyes.

The electrical firm manager had been sitting on the ill- fated Stagecoach bus to Ayr as Storm Frank raged.

She described how bus driver Tudor Davies stopped the number 58 near Dailly when he saw a deep flood ahead.

Seconds later he put the foot down and tried to continue the journey.

As she was shown photos of that day, Josephine wept: “When I saw the water I thought, ‘ Please God, don’t let us go into the water.’

“We didn’t stop for long, then the driver started the engine and we went in. As we were driving into the water I phoned my husband and said ‘ Jim. I’m in Dailly and the road’s flooded.

“‘ I think we’re going to go into it and drown. I love you and I love the kids.’

“I thought the bus would go under and the driver said get to the back of the bus.

“I stood on the seat and couldn’t get

to the back because of the water.”

Ear- ringed bus driver Davies, from Fullerton Place, Patna, appeared in the dock at Ayr Sheriff Court on Monday.

The 49- year- old has been charged with dangerous driving aboard the number 58 between Girvan and Ayr on the B741 Linfern Road, outside Dailly, on December 30.

He denies the charge and the court heard evidence from passengers who were among 12 plucked from the submerged Stagecoach service.

They were stuck for THREE HOURS as the waters raged around them.

Those saved included a seven- year- old boy and a girl aged just five.

Dramatic scenes of the rescue, with water as high as the windows on the single- decker, were beamed around the world as Sky News went live from the floods.

Shaven- headed Davies, dressed in a black jacket and trousers, sat motionless in the dock as Sheriff Mhairi Mactaggart heard the evidence against him.

Mum- of- two Phyllis Young, 61, told depute fiscal Scott Toal how she’d tried to keep fellow passengers calm as the bus made its way through deep puddles, before meeting the flood from the River Girvan.

She said: “I was speaking to the lady beside me, she was quite concerned about the puddles and I was trying to tell her it would be ok, I’d done this many times. We stopped near the water for seconds, maybe a minute at most.

“I was calming her down every time we went through a puddle – then I remember the driver saying, ‘ You’re going to need your wellies.’”

Mrs Young, a school classroom assistant, actually took photos of the incident to show to her son in New Zealand.

Her photos formed part of a series of images that were shown to the court.

Reports at the time said the bus began floating, eventually coming to rest on the opposite side of the road.

Police, firefighte­rs, coastguard, the RNLI and even a Sea King helicopter were called to the incident as passengers clambered onto the tops of seats to escape the water.

Before the helicopter arrived rescuers smashed a window on the bus, but passengers were unable to reach a small lifeboat sent to rescue them.

Mrs Young began to talk of the rescue, but Davies’ lawyer Tony Currie interjecte­d saying it was not relevant to the charge.

Storm Frank caused chaos in the Girvan Valley, with Dailly Bowling Club one of the major victims as it was completely washed out.

Ex- bus driver John McNaughton, 70, from Larkhall, was researchin­g for a book on Scottish junior football clubs when he became trapped on the water bus.

He told the court: “When I drove a bus, before you even sat behind a wheel you were taught the health and safety of the passengers is the most important thing.

“I’m 70 years of age – if my maker wants to take me he can take me, I was more concerned about the mother and the young children sitting across from me.

“I can’t seem to get the voice of the mother shouting, ‘ We’re going to die, my kids are going to die” out my head.”

The court heard evidence from five Crown witnesses before running out of court time.

Sheriff Mactaggart adjourned the trial to hear the remaining evidence later in July.

 ??  ?? Bus driver Patna man Tudor Davies
Bus driver Patna man Tudor Davies
 ??  ?? Trapped The number 58 bus was caught in flood waters near Dailly last December
Trapped The number 58 bus was caught in flood waters near Dailly last December

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