Ayrshire Post

Shiver me timbers

Network Rail’s raid to fell dozens of trees

- Stephen Houston

Furious residents say their summer has been ruined - after a stand of mature trees was felled by a chainsaw gang.

The trees were vital to blocking out views of trains from gardens and also helped dissipate the noise to homes in Troon.

A rogue chainsaw gang arrived without warning and set about felling wood behind Golf Place.

Trees of up to 25- feet high - some of which had been there since the days of steam - were all brought down for a 200- foot stretch.

Resident Roddy McKenzie, a 54- year- old surveyor, is incandesce­nt with rage.

Public landowner Network Rail claims the work would only have been done between midnight and dawn on a Sunday.

But all trees from close to the rails down to Roddy and Gill McKenzie’s garden have been cut back to the stumps on Thursday.

Roddy said: “Network Rail just don’t care a jot how they treat people.

“This house has been in the family for over one hundred years and this has never happened before.

” It was a forest full of wildlife and birds not even growing over the track. “Now it is bare and a nightmare. “I want to see a Network Rail boss down here to see what he thinks. They should be forced to apologise and replant.

“They might claim it is about safety, but unless trains can leave the rails and come down the bank then I don’t think so.

“It is just about stupid people carrying out something in a savage manner.”

He is now faced with forking out £ 1000 to try and introduce tress to his side of the fence.

The trigger happy chainsaw contractor­s stopped when they were confronted by Troon Councillor Nan McFarlane, who also lives nearby.

She said: “I believe the trees at this point were put there specifical­ly to shield the houses and cut down the noise.

“It is an outrage Network Rail think they can just do what they like without telling anyone. ” What is it about trees and Troon?” We helped win a turnaround when Scottish Power blithely felled trees on the cycle path between Craigend Road and Willocksto­n.

They thought that with permitted rights they could do what they wanted when they wanted.

But they grovelled an apology after the Ayrshire Post story and were so shamed they have replanted and forked out to fund stalls at the Gala Day next month.

Residents thought existing railway trees would be trimmed back sympatheti­cally rather than destroyed.

Network Rail blindly insisted on Tuesday they had warned residents tree work would take place on Saturday night into Sunday mornings

They had no knowledge of work being done during the week.

A Network Rail spokeswoma­n said: “To maintain the safe running of rail services, Network Rail has an ongoing programme of vegetation management across the network.

“Unmanaged vegetation can cause serious safety problems for the railway by covering up signals or falling on to tracks and overhead power lines.

“Our lineside neighbours whose properties may be impacted by night- time works are notified by letter in advance and directed to Network Rail’s National Helpline number on 03457 11 41 41 if they have any questions or concerns about this safety critical activity.”

The agency claims it would save special trees and wildlife if it came across them.

 ??  ?? Cut down to size Councillor Nan McFarlane by the rail embankment where trees have been felled
Cut down to size Councillor Nan McFarlane by the rail embankment where trees have been felled

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