Ayrshire Post

Swan Lady hits out over cygnets move

- Sarah Hilley

A mother swan is heartbroke­n after her cygnets were taken by the SSPCA, a wildlife lover claims.

Sylvia McAlpine - known as the swan lady - said the babies should have remained with the Auld Brig bird.

The SSPCA took action after it was claimed swan Miranda had abandoned her brood. But Sylvia said the watchful mum was stranded nearby and couldn’t reach her young.

And before she could get back to them, the wildlife charity whisked them away believing she had done a runner towards the Citadel.

Now they are being cared for at the Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue centre in Beith.

And Miranda and dad Rory are mourning their lost young - moping around the empty nest. Sylvia, 67, said: “Miranda would never abandon her cygnets. She was on a sewage pipe desperatel­y trying to get back to the nest. As soon as the tide was in she would have managed it. I know they will be looked after at Hessilhead but the SSPCA should never have taken them. They should have left her alone.

“Miranda and father Rory are the most loving parents. Miranda was looking after the babies. She had not swanned off to the Citadel - that was probably Rory seen down there. She is not cruel or immature.”

Sylvia has been feeding her featheredd friends for 37 years on the River Ayr.

She was thrilled with the five cygnets and was also devastated to discover them missing about a month ago.

She said: “If I had met the SSPCA officer I would have showed him where Miranda was. When I arrived later both parents were heartbroke­n sitting on an empty nest.”

As reported in the Post last week the cygnets are safe and thriving at Hessilhead. Here is a picture of them taken by vet Teresa Vicens.

Elsewhere cygnets from Turner’s Brig at the River Ayr are thriving with doting parents Shirley and Sid in tow.

They will be released b a c k i nto the w i l d when they are older.

 ??  ?? Big birds The taken cygnets are growing healthily at Hessilhead
Big birds The taken cygnets are growing healthily at Hessilhead
 ??  ?? Heartbroke­n Sylvia McAlpine has fed the swans for years
Heartbroke­n Sylvia McAlpine has fed the swans for years

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