Ayrshire Post

Lack of bins a load of rubbish

Daytripper­s’ debris is a real nuisance

- Stephen Houston

There are not enough bins or not enough emptying runs at Troon’s main South Beach.

That was the view at Troon Community Council after tonnes of debris was left piled up in the sand by day- trippers.

Police Sergeant Lynsey Booth said the force could charge people with littering.

But she said: “Police officers who were not working have remarked the garbage left on the beach was absolutely appalling and the bins were overflowin­g.

“For me there needs to be a joint operation with the council to provide more bins or more pick- ups.”

And a community councillor added: “The bins are not big enough. And there are not enough bins.”

It was suggested that bins should be placed on the sand for the first time in history.

Councillor Peter Convery said part of the problem is the current work to rule by refusemen.

And he claimed: “There are more than enough bins. People even throw away dirty nappies and there is something really disgusting about folk that do that.”

But a community councillor countered: “Last year we had exactly the same problems on the beach and the bin men were not on strike.”

It was clear that a number of community councillor­s favoured more bins.

Chairman Helen Duff said she was very “sorry and angry” about the litter issue.

Erica Williamson remarked: “When we were children we were brought up that when you went out for a picnic, all you left behind were footprints.

“A big issue should be made about people taking their own rubbish home.

“I saw dirty nappies in the middle of car parks on a Monday morning, it was absolutely disgusting.”

* Resident Cathy Morrison wants the “terrible red shed” camouflage­d for the Open.

The plastic eyesore replaced a traditiona­l hut at the abandoned Crazy Golf.

She said: “Would the council consider a charity taking on the crazy golf?

“With a month to go it could be painted up and the holes named after the holes at Royal Troon as a novelty. Right now it looks awful.”

The council confirmed they hoped a new operator would be in place before The Open, but this is not going to happen.

 ??  ?? Bins needed Troon Community Council want more bins at South Beach
Bins needed Troon Community Council want more bins at South Beach

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