Ayrshire Post

Sky’s no limit for young flyers

Children enjoy a taste of aeroplane travel

- Kenny Smith

Youngsters were given the chance to fly high in the sky for the first time.

Prestwick Flying Club, working with the orgainsati­on Aviation Without Borders, gave children with special needs the opportunit­y to discover the world of flying through their annual National Fly Kids Day at Prestwick Airport.

Each year in June, AWB organises an aviation discovery day - Smiling Wings Day - where children all over the country are invited to their local airport for the day and are taken on a short flight.

AWB works closely with many UK children’s charities, flying clubs and flying organisati­ons that all contribute to the day and together fly around 400 children. Getting the chance to fly this year were youngsters from Cumnock Young Carers.

They were delighted to team up with Prestwick Flying Club, who co- ordinated the event through directors Pauling Gallagher and Allan McKenzie.

Allan said: “Aviation Without Borders contact us every year, so we’re able to give young people the chance to fly.

“We shares the cost of flying 50/ 50 with Aviation Without Borders. It’s a win- win scenario for all is offered as the pilots fly for half price, Aviation Without Borders flies the kids for half price, the clubs receive the full rental price and the kids fly for free!

“They put us in touch with the charities, and it’s a great experience.

“Three of the kids I took up had never been in a plane before, and it was great for them - these young teenagers had never been to Spain or even flown to London in an aeroplane of any descriptio­n. It was quite a thrill for them to go up for the first time.

“We’ve done similar things in the past with Venture Scouts and Young Eagles, but we had about 20 young people along for this event. The airport gave us free landings, so everyone enjoyed it.”

Whilst the emphasis is on having fun, the children learn about aircraft and flying, and of course actually enjoy a short flight. Children can experience this exciting day accompanie­d either by a parent or carer.

Derek Banks, Prestwick Airport’s finance and commercial director, added: “We work closely with the local flying school and it’s great to have this wonderful facility right on the airport’s doorstep.

“We were delighted to support them in hosting this Aviation Without Borders event by waiving landing fees. Air travel is now a regular occurrence for a lot of people. However, for many, it isn’t as easily accessed. We wanted to do our bit to widen this access and give these young people the experience of flying.” Ayrshire Hospice will be flying high for its second fundraisin­g Colour Dash.

Prestwick Airport will be sponsoring the blue colour station at the fundraisin­g event, taking place on August 7. Participan­ts of the 5K event don’t have to run, as they can walk, skip or dance the distance. They should, however, prepare for a kaleidosco­pe of colour to rain down over them every kilometre, leaving runners looking like a rainbow.

The registrati­on fee which includes a t- shirt, sunglasses and a Colour Dash medal is £ 20 for adults and £ 10 for under 16s ( who must be accompanie­d by an adult). Children five and under are free. A family ticket of two adults and two children is £ 50. Tel: 01292 288488 or e- mail events@ ayrshireho­spice. org The Hansel supper club will re- commence on July 26 at Carrick Lodge Hotel at 6.30pm.

Anyone looking to make new friends, learn new things or just indulge in a love of good food are welcome to come along.

The group, that meets every two months is expanding its membership and invites people to come along to the event to join.

Tickets £ 20 per event with proceeds going to charity and includes a glass of fizz on arrival, a two course supper and afters.

To book a place contact Sheila on 01563 831428 or email sheila. mclean@ hansel. org. uk.

 ??  ?? Up in the air Prestwick Flying Club members took children from East Ayrshire and Cumnock Young Carers flying for the first time 180616Flyi­ng_ 1
Up in the air Prestwick Flying Club members took children from East Ayrshire and Cumnock Young Carers flying for the first time 180616Flyi­ng_ 1

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