Ayrshire Post

Start your fitter future


As we grow older it can be even more important to maintain an active lifestyle.

Exercise in any form has many benefits for us as we enter our fifties and beyond.

Medical experts all agree that staying active or even becoming active has a whole host of positive effects on us and not all of them are physical.

By staying active we can really help fend off dementia and Alzheimer’s. Exercise keeps our minds lively and alert and the release of serotonin when we work out makes us happy and confident.

Exercise also reduces the onset of diabetes and combats obesity, conditions that can really cause rapid declines in our health as we grow older.

Of course, keeping our muscles strong also aids us in later years.

Reducing the risk of falls and injury can keep us feeling younger and stronger.

Exercise programmes such as pilates encourage us to strengthen our cores. This enhances our ability to balance and keeps our posture strong, both areas of concern in later years.

If we can stay healthy it also means fewer visits to the doctor.

We are much less likely to suffer from mental and physical ailments if we follow a regular fitness program.

Leading a more active lifestyle reflects in the way we go about our everyday business.

Simple tasks such as shopping are much more enjoyable when we are fit and able to do them unassisted.

Being independen­t in everyday situations keeps us feeling younger and mentally alert.

So exercise keeps us feeling young, feeling happy and feeling safe and it’s never to late to start.

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