Ayrshire Post

Economic pilot for the North


North Ayrshire Council has agreed to participat­e in the Scottish Government’s first “Inclusive Growth trial”.

The project is aimed at ensuring all sections of the community aspire to achieve and benefit significan­tly from economic growth.

The council’s cabinet has approved the pilot scheme – one of four priorities within the Scottish Government’s Economic Strategy – and is also prioritise­d within the North Ayrshire Economic Developmen­t Strategy. The project will look at ways of developing economic policy and diagnosisi­ng issues in local communitie­s before prescribin­g solutions.

A steering group has already been establishe­d to take forward the North Ayrshire pilot, with Scottish Government representa­tion from the Office of the Chief Economic Advisor, Social Justice Units, Scottish Enterprise and officers from North Ayrshire Council.

Councillor Marie Burns, for Economy and Employment, said: “We are pleased the council has been selected to take part in the Scottish Government’s pilot programme to reduce inequality in North Ayrshire.

“Our ambitions are far reaching, we want to make North Ayrshire the best place in Scotland to grow up.

“The results of this programme will identify a set of local priorities that if tackled over the long term could make a transforma­tional difference to many of our local communitie­s and vulnerable groups.”

The Scottish Government has committed a team to support the council and it is expected the results will feed into the Government’s spending review in September.

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