Ayrshire Post

Heartache can lead to a brand new do

- Martin Malloy

If there’s one thing we all can be sure of its change. And new beginnings although divorce and separation are not an easy time for any one I find that people often do something radical with their hair during times of heartache.

I don’t know how many times I have heard requests for clients to colour it red, give them a short crop.

I try and discourage them and say, “maybe this isnt the way forward love, think about this a wee bit more please.”

Look at the famous examples of this the one I remember is pop queen Britney Spears taking clippers to her hair, it was drastic but again, I can relate to her doing something radical during tough times.

Although there has to be one hair service that many ask for when they fancy a change is the perm.

Many a client has told me of the horrors they have had trying to put more bounce into their locks and waiting the months to slowly have it cut out.

One thing that all great hairstylis­ts say when it goes slightly curlier than a French Poodle must be it just needs a few washes to settle down, really yes, it will be fine.

So you have went through two hours sitting with curlers, the perm lotion with the scent of something undesirabl­e, endured a long rinse then the fun part foam neutralise­r which is always cooler than you expect to now be faced with a head of curls that really can only be tamed by a good hairstylis­t.

And if it should get wet or you get caught up in damp weather, after all it is Scotland, they come back.

Now long soft curls are quite simply stunning and the in thing but tight Afro locks not so on.

Years ago when I had a full head of hair I had the misfortune of having one.

It was like my grandmothe­r’s hair had been transplant­ed on to my head and I knew it wasn’t good.

And when a school teacher asked me is I had had a perm over the holidays, I was so embarrasse­d.

I am so glad this week that the film Absolutely Fabulous is hitting the big screen with the fabulous Joanna Lumley with her iconic French Beehive and Jennifer Saunders with the soft red curls.

I think there will be some funny moments in this film as it’s been nearly 20 years since this was on our TV.

I thought I would try something a bit different myself this week and change my diet, shake it up as they say, so as an experiment and a challenge I thought I would go Vegan.

Many folk are now following this for heath benefits, even former American president Bill Clinton, it’s certainly challengin­g but I am feeling the benefits and my fridge is full, hopefully I will be full of bounce like your last perm.

 ??  ?? Curly top Perms are often requested by my clients
Curly top Perms are often requested by my clients

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