Ayrshire Post


Second major incident within a matter of days

- Stephen Houston

A schoolboy had to be taken away by police after being found with THREE KNIVES in his bag.

The weapons – including one homemade “shank” – were discovered shortly before a pre- planned fight between two pupils was meant to take place.

It is the second serious incident to rock the South Ayrshire school within the space of 16 days.

Sources say the fight

was planned for last Friday afternoon.

The bag of a 15- year- old in third year was searched.

Inside were two large kitchen knives and a homemade blade, possibly made in the school itself.

While being hauled away from the school by police, the boy screamed that teachers and “snobs” from another local school “are next”.

The shocking incident came just 16 days after the school’s depute head was injured trying to break- up a brutal clash between two first year boys.

One teacher said: “We are shocked and scared.

“Troublemak­ers need to be expelled for good for the safety of everyone.

“I just wonder how far kids need to go to get kicked out by the current director of education, Douglas Hutchison.

“Or do we need security checks on pupils when they come in the door?”

Ayr Inspector Jim Hendrie confirmed police were contacted around 1.40pm on Friday October 21.

He said: “Police were called to a report of a 15- year- old boy in possession of offensive weapons at a school in Ayrshire.

“He will be the subject of a report to the procurator fiscal and the Scottish Childrens Reporter Administra­tion.”

Ayrshire Post legal advisers have told us we cannot name the school despite the second incident.

Last week we revealed a 12- year- old boy at the school involved in the fight had previously broken the ribs of a senior teacher at his primary school.

One of the boys received a formal warning from police and the other was still to be dealt with.

South Ayrshire education director Douglas Hutchison refused to confirm the incident – and did exactly the same this week.

When asked about the knife find, a statement was issued on his behalf, saying: “We operate a zero tolerance policy to violence in our schools and actively promote a culture of tolerance and diversity across our wider school communitie­s.

“Our schools work closely with colleagues from Police Scotland to deliver safety messages on an ongoing basis, both in terms of personal safety as well as the safety of others.

“We expect everyone, from staff through to young people, to behave respectful­ly at all times, and we reinforce this work throughout the year.

“Our priority is always to provide a safe, secure and positive learning and teaching environmen­t for pupils and staff alike and we have clear procedures in place to deal with any issues that do arise swiftly and effectivel­y.”

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