Ayrshire Post

My blood is on your hands


A pensioner who split his face open after falling in the street claims road bosses have his blood on their hands.

Jack Wilson ( pictured right) needed seven stitches in a chin wound and hospital treatment after tumbling on an uneven pavement in Prestwick.

And he insists his fall on the town’s Main Street could have been prevented if roads chiefs paid attention to their network.

Jack, 80, hit the deck across the road from Budgens supermarke­t.

He said: “Our roads and pavements are in a terrible state.

“One second I was walking along and the next I was sprawled out on the deck.

“The worrying thing is this could just as easily have happened to a young mum with a baby in a pram.

“The pavement in question is on a busy stretch of the Main Street yet has been left with weeds sprouting and is a clear danger.”

Stewart Turner, head of the Ayrshire Roads Alliance, said: “We were sorry to learn that an 80 year- old gentleman had fallen and injured himself on Prestwick’s Main Street.

“As always, our immediate concerns are for public safety and we are pleased the man is making a good recovery from this unfortunat­e incident.

“The man has been in touch with us and, as this matter is currently ongoing, we are unable to make further comment.”

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