Ayrshire Post

Big ‘ aye’ to rock pies


Ayrshire’s newest rock festival has beefed up its offering – with the first ever music festival pie.

WinterStor­m Festival have teamed up with Ayrshire baking kings Brownings the Bakers to produce The WinterStor­mer steak pie, exclusive to the event.

And acts at the Troon festival - on the weekend of November 25 and 26 - might have to add a new track to their setlist and ask ‘ who ate all the pies?’ with the snack set to be a huge hit with hungry rockers.

Organiser Ian McCaig said: “It’s been great fun setting this up and it just highlights in a different way that we are trying to be just a little bit different with WinterStor­m involving local businesses where we can and not get caught up in taking ourselves too seriously.”

John Gall, managing director of Brownings, said: “We have run the catering at many events in Troon Concert Hall and are really looking forward to rocking it up with these guys. The WinterStor­mer Pie will only be available at this event and we look forward to not only introducin­g the visitors to our recipes but also to supplying the bands with a wee pie or two in their dressing room.”

WinterStor­m takes place at Troon Concert Hall with unplugged sessions at the South Beach Hotel. Tickets and informatio­n are available from www. winterstor­m. co. uk.

 ??  ?? Pies have it At the WinterStor­m launch in Troon are Ian McCaig and John Gall of Brownings the Bakers, who sponsor the event
Pies have it At the WinterStor­m launch in Troon are Ian McCaig and John Gall of Brownings the Bakers, who sponsor the event

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