Ayrshire Post

It’s North vs South


The Battle of Largs took place in 1263 and lasted a single day.

The Battle of Ardrossan has already kicked off in 2016 . . . and it’s going to last an awful lot longer!

North Ayrshire v South Ayrshire in the fight for the Arran ferry will - I predict - go all the way to the Court of Session. There’s just too much at stake.

For our northern neighbours, losing the ferry link would be a devastatin­g blow.

To be blunt, the port in the only thing going for a town with... er... nothing else going for it.

Losing the ferry would impact on hundreds of vital jobs and may even cost the town its mainline railway spur.

For Troon, the opposite would apply. Jobs, investment, improved local services – and it already looks to have the upper hand when the financial implicatio­ns are applied.

But stand by for North Ayrshire to throw everything at this one.

This will include the argument “Troon has got an airport on one side – why should it get a brand new port on the other?”

Back in the day when Ayrshire was the old “Ardrossan to Girvan” Ayrshire – this might have been sorted out in the big room at the County Buildings.

But this ferry battle is going to be no boat trip.

And MSP John Scott will need all his allies when the battlefron­t moves to Holyrood.

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