Ayrshire Post

What a waste of money


Ding, dong, the cycle lane is dead.

And about time too. The situation has been a farce from start to finish - and a lot of questions have to be asked, especially when our local authoritie­s are so cash- strapped. This is £ 90,000 that could have been used far more productive­ly.

What’s terrifying is the news in the Ayrshire Post ( October 26) is that Sustrans handed over £ 30,000 towards the creation of the cycling path, on the proviso that a consultati­on was carried out.

And we all know that this never happened.

How many other projects has this happened on - is this a one off, or have there been more, involving other groups like Sustrans, but we’ve never heard of?

The wheels have fallen off the cycle lane project - now it’s time for the Ayrshire Roads Alliance to tell us the full story - just why and how did this sorry situation come to be?

The treatment, care and profession­alism shown by all the staff was absolutely first class.

I have lived and worked in Canada and France and have needed to use the medical services in both countries and whilst the care I received was good it wasn’t a patch on the treatment yesterday at Ayr.

For those who complain about the NHS I agree it is underfunde­d, understaff­ed and badly administer­ed at the highest levels but our doctors and nurses are first class.

To the male nurse, two female nurses and the female consultant doctor many thanks. You know who you are. I read with interest your article about Prestwick, which I entirely agree with.

Shopping is great and you are spoiled for choice, if dining out.

But I am disappoint­ed in the local councillor­s.

You cannot go along any street or road in Prestwick without seeing a trail of filth, litter and road materials, mostly left behind by the workers employed by Virgin. They have left a mess. Come on, councillor­s - get a grip, or is Virgin above the law? I sometimes speak to a polite homeless man whom I see sitting near to the corner of the High St and Carrick St in Ayr.

His thin dog lies next to him. He tells me he could get a home if he gave up his dog. I sympathise with him.

I would not want to get rid of the dog if I was in his position. He is sleeping in the open in Ayr at present.

I often see homeless people in Glasgow where the numbers seem overwhelmi­ng.

But this man is homeless in Ayr and I wonder if you can highlight his plight in your newspaper with the aim of trying to get he and his dog a roof over their heads with some heating.

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