Ayrshire Post

Silly Burger smashed up fast food restaurant


prior to the attack. On the morning of Monday, November 28, Shearer turned up at work despite being rostered for a day off.

He proceeded to take out his wrath on fixtures and fittings within the restaurant, using a hammer which he pulled from his back pocket.

During the assault, which happened shortly after 9am, Shearer used the weapon to punch holes in six large display screens and three tills.

He then smashed up three industrial toasting machines in the kitchen before throwing the hammer away.

Terrified co- workers then locked Shearer out of the staff room, fearing he was set to smash up CCTV cameras.

He then made his exit before turning up at Ayr police station a short time later.

Damage from the early morning chaos totalled £ 21,360.

Defending, lawyer Quinton Muir said his client accepted the crime was a “serious and significan­t matter”.

He added that, after taking a cocktail of drink and drugs, the attack had been planned with Shearer feeling undervalue­d by his superiors.

Sheriff John Montgomery said: “You carried out these offences while disgruntle­d about the treatment you had received from your employers.

“And it is quite clear this was stoked up on drink and drugs.”

Shearer was sentenced to carry out 180 hours of community service and must not enter Burger King in the High Street.

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