Ayrshire Post

Violet is Scotland’s first baby of 2017

Mum gave birth seven minutes after the Bells

- Sarah Jane McDonald

It was an unforgetta­ble Hogmanay for an Ayr couple who had a very special delivery at the bells – welcoming Scotland’s first baby of 2017.

Adorable Violet Gromett arrived just seven minutes after the clock struck midnight at Crosshouse Hospital to Sheryl Bell, 25 and David Gromett, 38.

The surprised couple celebrated the birth of their first child together on New Year’s Day with their friends and family after Sheryl was induced on Friday, December 30.

The bundle of joy, who tipped the scales at a healthy 8lb 14oz, was two weeks overdue, after being expected on December 18 - but making national history was the last thing on their minds.

Returning home this week, support worker Sheryl said: “It came as such a surprise to have the first baby of 2017, neither of us expected it as I was induced on the Friday but she wasn’t for moving at that point.

“By 11am on Saturday, I was taken down to the labour suite and started taking gas and air, and I had an epidural.

“I really thought this was it and she was going to arrive on Hogmanay, but my epidural didn’t work and she was taking her time. The last time I looked at the clock, it was quarter to midnight, after that we lost track of time so when she arrived, the midwives were all so excited.

“We were definitely the first to have a baby in Crosshouse and after that they called Glasgow and rang around other hospitals to check.

“The recognitio­n over the last few days has been incredible and the support from our family and friends has been wonderful.”

Violet is the first child for the pair who met four years ago during a night out in the town and they now look forward to the adventures of parenthood and telling their daughter the story of just how special she is.

On the name, Sheryl said: “We picked Violet as it was such a pretty name. As she is my first baby we decided to get a baby book and we went through them but Violet really stood out to us.”

Proud dad David, who works as a gardener for South Ayrshire Council, added: “She is so perfect.

“Having the first baby of 2017 in Scotland was a lovely surprise for both of us, we never expected her when we did and through it all she has been a wonderful surprise. We were on holiday in March for my birthday travelling through America when Sheryl first started to feel sick, we never really thought anything of it but when we got home I had nipped out to the shops and Sheryl rang me to tell me she’d taken a test.

“I was so excited. I swerved the car around, bought four more tests and after getting home we tried them all just to be sure.

“I’m so excited for my two daughters, Shannon, 16 and Kelsey, 9, to have a little sister and we can’t wait to watch her grow.”

 ??  ?? Happy family Baby Violet Gromett arrived just seven minutes after midnight, and is pictured with mum Sheryl Bell and dad David Gromett
Happy family Baby Violet Gromett arrived just seven minutes after midnight, and is pictured with mum Sheryl Bell and dad David Gromett

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