Ayrshire Post

Tot’s asthma attacks

Mum’s worries over living in damp home


A two- year- old girl has suffered two asthma attacks in a dampridden home.

And wee Laila has now been put on a full- blown steroidal inhaler to ease her alarming wheezes.

Mum Lisa Hardie, 24, remains furious this week after South Ayrshire Council refused to re- house them while essential work takes place.

The Ayr hairdresse­r said: “I have just been told they cannot treat us as having special circumstan­ces as we do not meet their criteria.

“If a wee girl in distress is not a special circumstan­ce, I wonder what is?

“I am so unhappy she has had to go on steroids at her age. She only takes the attacks in the house and seems fine when she is at nursery.

“In one of the attacks she was gasping for air.”

Council workmen have been installing vents and re- plastering walls after damp treatment at the lower four- in- a- block flat in Tarbolton.

And while Lisa is really grateful for the work they are doing, they did not finish the work until the New Year.

Lisa said: “The house is clearly not fit for habitation at the moment.

“There are slug trails on the carpet every morning and I have peeled off the damp wallpaper everywhere.

“My bedroom and Laila’s bedroom need the damp walls taken down and replastere­d and we have to be here while they are doing it.

“I would like the council officials to try and live in this – their rules are bonkers.”

In March last year we told the harrowing story of Laila’s super- fit dad John Davidson.

The 28- year- old suffered an epileptic fit at home in Maybole and was left severely brain damaged by his heart stopping for 19 minutes.

John remains under constant care in a nursing home.

South Ayrshire Council insisted it did try to complete the works before Christmas – but Lisa turned them down.

Housing supremo David Burns said: “We’re committed to providing quality housing for our tenants, and all of our properties are maintained to high standards.

“Following an inspection of the property on Monday, December 12, we offered the tenant three dates in December to allow all works to be completed prior to Christmas.

“However at the tenant’s request, the remaining work has been programmed to start on Monday, January 9.

“We have robust mechanisms in place and a responsive service to deal with customer enquiries and as such, we would ask anyone that has concerns to contact us directly to discuss their needs.”

 ??  ?? Frustrated Lisa Hardie, pictured with her daughter Laila
Frustrated Lisa Hardie, pictured with her daughter Laila

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