Ayrshire Post

All set for birdwatchi­ng stroll


The RSPB Central Ayrshire group is starting 2017 with birdwatchi­ng at Rozelle.

A few years ago, the members had the idea of starting the New Year with a guided birdwatchi­ng stroll through Rozelle Park. It has very quickly become a firm date in the calendar of the group: members and visitors meet on the first Saturday of the New Year, January 7, to enjoy a walk through the park and to watch birds.

At this time of year wintering birds enjoy the shelter the park provides.

Fieldfare and mistle thrush may be foraging in the grass, along with the resident song thrush. Siskin from Scandinavi­a and Russia find a good source of food. Bullfinche­s are always a joy to see; the male is unmistakab­le with his bright red breast and black cap. The tit family is well represente­d andespecia­lly long- tailed tits are a treat to watch. Robins appear more tame than at any other time.

Nuthatches are usually happy to accept a few nuts put out for them. Jays, the most colourful members of the crow family, are at home in the park, as are great spotted woodpecker.

The pond may be visited by wildfowl, teal and gadwall, for instance, have been seen recently. A heron may stand motionless on the edge of the pond, while moorhen, usually happy under dense cover, can also be seen feeding on the grass nearby.

Leader is Jim Thomson who will be very happy to share his great knowledge of birds . Meet at 10.00 am in front of Rozelle House. The walk will take approximat­ely two hours. It is an easy stroll, suitable for families and all ages. Visitors welcome.

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