Ayrshire Post

Stick to your New Year fitness plan


You may be thinking about getting fit this year.

As far as resolution­s go, it’s always in the top three.

Most of the time at New Year, people think about giving things up, smoking, drinking and the like, but the main thing people start doing n the New Year, is getting fit.

The statistics are shaky though, as it would seem that a high percentage of people that make resolution­s, often break them just as quick.

The reason that people give up on their good intentions so quickly is that often they aim too high, and get disappoint­ed when they fail to hit their targets.

Fitness goals are often pretty basic, lose weight, tone up and get fit, but the problem lies in the unrealisti­c nature of the goals we make and the time span we give ourselves to do it.

If we decide to take on fitness as our resolution, we often go to our favourite media outlets for direction.

Websites, social media and television all play an important part in our decision making, but we can be swayed and guided through a maze of marketing that can leave many of us baffled before we even begin.

If you don’t know your HIIT from your Small Group PT, chances are you could end up in programme that won’t suit, or do anything to help you.

The fitness industry is continuing to grow at a dizzying rate.

What are we meant to do when we try and find a path that suits our needs, but discover that every gym, exercise instructor and personal trainer all offer up different routes, schedules and price points, that all sound convincing, credible and enticing ?

Well, the secret actually lies with you. So before you embark on a trip down the fitness rabbit hole, there are a few key questions that you should ask yourself before you sign up to a 12- month contract that might not even make sense to you by February,

First of all, think about what you would like to do.

Do you like the idea of working out in a gym or does Zumba really appeal to you?

You see, you probably already have an idea of what you want.

Some people love to pump iron others like group exercise classes and some folks will do both.

So before you commit to anything, ask yourself what you really fancy trying, then give it a go.

There are plenty of classes around that you can go and try, and it will only cost you the price of admission.

There are lots of dance based sessions out there, but maybe you want something a little more serious, so check out your local aerobics, circuit or boxing sessions.

Explain you are a beginner at each class, and see what one suits you best.

Sure you might end up going to a lot of sessions, but trust me, when you find a group exercise class you enjoy, you will be much more likely to stick with it as the year moves on.

If you get dragged to Boogie Bounce because your friends are all doing it, you might find that after two sessions, the determinat­ion you had at the start of the year will soon dissipate and your motivation will go just as quick.

Enjoying what you do is essential in fitness, so if you want to make it a habit, find the thing you love to do and your fitness will be a joy not a chore.

The same reasoning should also be used when finding a facility to join.

Not every gym is for every person, so don’t be scared to ask reception if you can ty the venue for a trial period before you sign up to anything long term.

With gyms all fighting for members, you are in a good position to sample what they have on offer before signing on the dotted line. When picking a gym think about important factors such as how far do you have to travel to get there, do they offer free classes in the membership, do they have a joining fee, do they tie you for a year or longer, do you know anyone that goes there. All these things can make a difference for the new gym member. You are much more likely to attend your gym sessions if you find you enjoy the visit, if the staff are friendly, if your friends also go, if you get good value from the centre and it’s only a short journey to get there. So if fitness is your goal in 2017, take five minutes and figure out what you really want and make the decision based on your requiremen­ts. If you are happy with your choices you are much more likely to keep your resolution for the whole year and never have to look back.

The problem lies in the unrealisti­c nature of the goals we make and the time span we give ourselves to do it

Think about what you like to do. Do you like the idea of working out in a gym or does Zumba really appeal to you?

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? New goals How to stick to your New Year fitness resolution­s Stay focused Work out your goals and you will be fine
New goals How to stick to your New Year fitness resolution­s Stay focused Work out your goals and you will be fine
 ??  ?? Fitness plan Plan your exercise time
Fitness plan Plan your exercise time

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