Ayrshire Post

John is an Aussie success but hasn’t lost his Ayrshire roots


He might have found fame almost 10,000 miles away – but singersong­writer John Harley Weston has never forgotten his Ayrshire roots.

His music has been added to the National Library of Australia, while songs he penned have featured on Olympic Games coverage on Aussie television.

The Stewarton- born musician recently released his third solo album, Music Man, and says despite the distance he still feels he represents Ayrshire on the world stage.

He said: “I’m more Scottish now that I was when I lived there. The minute I open my mouth here I’m representi­ng where I come from but I don’t think I’m well known enough to suggest I’m representi­ng Ayrshire as such although I’m proud to wear it on my sleeve.”

After supporting Scottish music icons Wet Wet Wet and Gun with band Frontier in the early 90’ s, John moved to the Tamborine Mountain region of Queensland in Australia.

His music has become a huge hit down under, with television appearance­s and slots on some of the country’s biggest stages including Australia Day celebratio­ns.

As well as his music, John has also worked as an art director and art co- ordinator in major cinema successes such as Thor: Ragnarok, starring Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston­e, and San Andreas, starring Dwayne ‘ The Rock’ Johnson.

But he says despite Australia and Hollywood helping to shape his career he still draws as much inspiratio­n from his roots as he did in the early days.

He said: “20 years on and I haven’t lost my accent, thank goodness. My latest album was produced by my old friend Sandy Jones of Foundry Music Lab in Wishaw, we sent files back and forth across the oceans until I was able to get over to Scotland to finish the tracks off. My accent even comes through a bit on a couple of songs.

“My beliefs about life were all formed in my youth in Ayrshire and Glasgow. When I’m a bit unsure of what to do or a bit scared to take a chance, I remind myself, ‘ Your Scottish man, be fearless’.

“It seems to work and it drives me to keep pushing my limits. In Australia we’re surrounded by songwriter­s with Scottish heritage like Jimmy Barnes ( Cold Chisel), Colin Hay ( Men At Work), members of AC/ DC, John Paul Young and the National Anthem Advance Australia Fair was written by a Scot. I’m in fine company as a Scottish songwriter/ musician living in Australia.”

As well as looking back on his own childhood, John says more recent trips to Ayrshire and Scotland have helped to remind him of the wonders of his homelands – and fill him with inspiratio­n.

“Ayrshire was a wonderful place to grow up. I was lucky enough to spend five months this year in Berlin, Glasgow and the Scottish Highlands location scouting for a film that my cousin, artist Douglas Gordon, is directing.

“It was a chance to take my family over for a wee stint in Europe and of course one of the first places I went was to Stewarton where my parents are.

“I walked down the town, had a few beers in a local pub, met some friends and felt like I hadn’t left.

“I love Australia but the roaming hills and moors of Ayrshire are in me. We went to a family wedding at Troon too, the posh end of Ayrshire. I felt right at home there too.”

Looking back on more than two decades of ups and downs in the business, expat John says he doesn’t know what the future holds – but hopes he can continue to create, and take part in the arts.

He said: “It’s been a busy 20 years for sure – hopefully I can keep knocking out the tunes and some people like them.

“I’m really happy with the new album. Lyrically and musically it’s more mature than anything I’ve done.”

John Harley Weston’s Music Man album is available now to buy from iTunes, Amazon and all good music retailers. You can also stream the album on Spotify.

 ??  ?? Music man Ayrshire- born musician John Harley Weston is a huge hit in Australia
Music man Ayrshire- born musician John Harley Weston is a huge hit in Australia

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