Ayrshire Post

Chickpea Burritos

Serves 4



Spray oil 1 chopped onion 1 garlic clove 1 chopped red pepper 1 sliced red chilli 1 tsp paprika, cumin & cayenne pepper 10- 12 ripe tomatoes 225g tinned chickpeas Soft wholemeal tortilla Spring onions Low- fat grated cheese Fat- free fromage frais


Preheat the oven to 180° C, gas mark 4. Make the filling: spray a saucepan lightly with oil and place over a low heat. Add one chopped onion, one crushed garlic clove, one chopped red pepper and one sliced red chilli and cook gently for 10 minutes, until softened. Add the 1 tsp paprika, tsp cumin and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Chop 10- 12 ripe tomatoes and add to the mix and drain a 225g tin chick peas. Add chick peas and simmer 10- 15 minutes, until thickened. Season with salt and pepper. Put a little of the filling into the centre of a soft wholemeal tortilla. Don’t use it all – you need to reserve some. Sprinkle with chopped spring onions and then fold each tortilla around the filling like a parcel, folding in the sides to seal it. Secure with wooden cocktail sticks and arrange the burritos in an ovenproof dish. Pour the remaining chickpea filling over the top and sprinkle with low- fat grated cheese. Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes, until hot and bubbling. Serve immediatel­y with 4 tbsp fat- free fromage frais or yogurt and a crisp salad.

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