Ayrshire Post

Boy’s knife terror

- Sarah Hilley

A boy was terrified his drug addict father was going to stab his mum, a court heard.

A 32- year- old man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, wielded the knife in her kitchen in Dundonald - after sneaking in uninvited and rowing with her.

The mother had accidental­ly left the back door open before going to bed.

She later heard a noise and spotted the man at the bottom of the stairs during the June 8 incident last year.

After an argument she managed to get the man out of the house and he drove off in a car despite trying to stop him.

But he returned asking if she had phoned the police, Ayr Sheriff Court heard last week.

The little boy was crying as he witnessed the distressin­g scene, depute fiscal Neva Houston told the court.

Miss Houston said the victim told him she rang the police because he had tried to reverse into her.

She continued: “The accused removed a knife from the kitchen drawer.

“The little boy said: ‘ please don’t stab mummy, he was hysterical.’

The mum claimed he misinterpr­eted the situation as the man was arming himself to face the police.

He had told police the man was “going to stab her.”

Months earlier the man was caught with a knife in the Blue Triangle homeless unit at 3.20am.

He admitted having a knife in the Blue Triangle in Charlotte Street on Boxing Day, 2015. And he pled guilty to taking hold of a knife and placing the woman and her child in a state of fear and alarm.

Lawyer Tony Currie said his client had a drug addiction, which left him homeless. He was ordered to comply with a drug treatment testing order for the next two years.

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