Ayrshire Post

Organisers given go- ahead to admit over- 14s to Ska night

- Stuart Wilson

Organisers of a top music night have been told they can allow children into their gig.

Seaside Ska, a popular annual night at Troon Concert Hall, had faced having to ban all under- 18s.

Event bosses Freckfest expect to attract 500 people to the town on Saturday, February 11.

And they have convinced licensing chiefs to agree a “compromise” deal for over- 14s to attend.

Members of the council’s panel were told that only a “handful” of minors are expected through the doors. But, in a report to the board, licensing standards officer Peter McCarroll warned against the move.

He said: “I do not believe that exposing children and young persons to alcohol and its effects within the main area of the concert hall where 500 people will be standing, dancing and consuming alcohol is consistent with the licensing objective of ‘ Protecting children from harm’.”

Board member, Councillor Alan Dorans, said: “This should not be a place for young people, even if they may be between 14 and 18. We have a duty of care to protect them.”

Troon councillor, Peter Convery, said “blue sky thinking” was required to help the applicatio­n.

He added: “I wouldn’t want to see this fail over the fact there’s three children in attendance.”

After breaking to discuss the matter, board chair Ann Galbraith said members were keen to reach a solution.

She insisted: “We want this to go ahead.”

Children over 14 will be granted access to the Concert Hall’s balcony area for the gig, which will feature Esperanza, Panda, Bombskare, The Amphetamea­nies and Big Fat.

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