Ayrshire Post

Nobody blamed over church death

Crown Office confirms court case now axed

- Stephen Houston

A 28- year- old man charged with killing a frail churchgoer has walked free.

Ian Skeoch had been held and charged with the culpable homocide of Iain Ronald.

Kindly Iain had enjoyed attending a watchnight service at his church on Christmas Eve 2015.

The 57- year- old was waiting outside Prestwick South Church for a cab to ferry him the short distance to his home.

He was raised in the air by two male revellers and twirled around and wished a Happy Christmas.

Tragically Iain fell and cracked his head on the concrete pavement outside The Burns pub.

He suffered serious head injuries and died two days later in intensive care at Ayr Hospital and his death shocked the community.

Ian Skeoch, then of Craigie Avenue, Ayr, appeared in private at the town’s sheriff court.

He was charged with the culpable homocide of Iain, picking him up and putting him over his shoulder, after which Iain fell and hit his head.

This week the Crown Office confirmed the criminal case had been axed.

A spokesman said: “In this case, after careful considerat­ion of the facts and circumstan­ces, it was decided that the proceeding­s should be discontinu­ed.

“In early November the next of kin of the deceased was informed of this decision and the reasoning behind it.”

Normally, bachelor Iain would have been out in his electric mobility scooter to get to church.

But he’d ditched it for the night because he knew Prestwick Main Street would be packed with partygoers.

He crashed to the ground at 12.40am on Christmas Day.

Police carried out a full investigat­ion and it appeared there was no criminal intent.

However the procurator fiscal progressed the charge of culpable homocide.

His minister, the Rev Kenneth Elliott, said then: “He came to church every Sunday and, in a sense, the church was his life. Iain supported everything at Prestwick South.”

Iain, of Ayr Road, suffered from muscular dystrophy and was a familiar sight around the streets of Prestwick.

Ian Skeoch could not be contacted for comment.

 ??  ?? Tragic Prestwick gent Iain Ronald
Tragic Prestwick gent Iain Ronald

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