Ayrshire Post

£ 7.5m council tax still owing

Over £ 24m of warrants are issued

- Michael Reynolds

Almost £ 7.5 million of council tax is still outstandin­g in South Ayrshire.

Despite council chiefs looking to make cuts worth £ 9.4 million, with libraries and additional needs teachers axed, millions of vital tax pounds remain uncollecte­d.

Since 2012, South Ayrshire Council has issued summary warrants – a court certificat­e showing how much tax you are liable for – worth £ 24,947,614.

And as of October 31 last year, £ 7,488,517 is still to be paid by taxdodging rogues around the county.

Ex- economist Eben Wilson, director of Taxpayer Scotland, says people who choose to avoid paying council tax are “punishing their neighbour”.

He said: “Councils cannot claim poverty through cuts if they do not do their upmost to collect what is due.

“Generally, the collection record across Scottish councils is good.

“But even a small amount left uncollecte­d adds up to a large resource that can’t go on services.

“It’s also important that every household realises its money is needed.”

And he concluded: “Evading it is punishing your neighbour. Council tax is a two- way contract.”

Earlier this year, South Ayrshire Council leader Bill McIntosh blasted a “brutal financial settlement” from Holyrood as the council sought to cut the budget by £ 9.14 million.

Branded the council’s “most difficult budget ever”, cuts hit libraries in Coylton, Dailly and Dundonald and reduced hours at 10 others.

And, earlier this month, McIntosh was forced to admit that even more cuts may be on the way after Scottish Government finance secretary

Our focus remains on prompt billing and recovery to ensure that all those who should pay, do pay

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