Ayrshire Post

We’ll deliver £ 2m sea dream

Focus fixed on watersport funders

- Stephen Houston

The group behind plans for a £ 2 million water- sports lodge believe it can become reality.

Enthusiast­s are pressing ahead with funding options to create the twostorey centre near Troon harbour.

And they say it is astonishin­g the lower Clyde coast has never had anything like it before.

Steering group supremo Vincent McWhirter revealed last week a 15- year lease at £ 250 a year will be secured from South Ayrshire Council if the cash is raised.

The lodge will be used for all sorts of water sports including rowing, kayaking, power boating, dingy sailing and kite surfing.

Making a presentati­on to Troon Community Councillor­s, Vincent said: “It is ambitious, very ambitious.

“Troon being Troon, this is the kind of facility we need. It will be a multi- purpose community- run water- sports centre and there is broad support for it.

“This will not be an exclusive membership club, but for the community.

“We are bang in the middle of a water sports hot spot – but with no facilities.”

We have already revealed the favoured spot is on the harbour side of the recycling centre and that there were fears asbestos was buried there.

But Vincent said initial test bores had not uncovered any, though more are planned.

Dougie Graham, vice chairman of the community council, said asbestos from shipbuildi­ng had been put on the site after being dug out when the marina was developed.

Troon Coastal Rowing Club is spearheadi­ng the bid, but they will bring in partners such as Ayr and District Sea Cadets.

Funders such as the Big Lottery and bodies sportscotl­and and the Royal Yachting Associatio­n are said to be “quite keen on it.” Kenny Bell, commanding officer of Ayr and District Sea Cadets, confirmed they would use it as a shore base.

He said there were no facilities like it except at Prestwick Sailing Club which were 40 years old and who “don’t want to engage with the community.”

Kenny added: ” This could give children the best start in life through nautical adventures and getting them in the water.”

The meeting heard harbour owners ABP – who are trying to win the contract for the Arran ferry which would be berthed nearby – were “comfortabl­e” with the proposal.

When it was revealed only 15 car park spaces are planned, councillor Erica Williamson said: “Where are people going to park? You cannot park on the road and 15 spaces is minimal.”

Councillor Phil Saxton said: “I welcome it. But if the plan has been on the go for three years it is the first I’ve heard of it.”

 ??  ?? Good sports Plans for the proposed new watersport­s centre in Troon
Good sports Plans for the proposed new watersport­s centre in Troon

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