Ayrshire Post

More roadworks ahead

- Stephen Houston

Yet more utility works are set to rip up the streets of Troon.

Vodafone is laying a new main line in the eastern part of the town.

Meanwhile work on laying the new high power electricit­y cable to connect the Glennon harbour sawmill to the network in the town centure is continuing.

It will mean disruption possibly until April 30 and will stop some residents using driveways while it’s ongoing.

Digging was due to start this week, Troon Community Council heard.

Work will take place between Loans and Deveron Road.

Councillor Peter Convery revealed work will be carried out in 50 metre chunks.

The cable will go down Dundonald Road and turn right onto Central Avenue.

It will then take a right into North Drive and then left onto Earn Road.

The line will then rejoin Deveron Road, though it was not made clear if it will be via Spey Road or Lugar Place.

Kilmarnock Road will then be dug up and the operation will end at the roundabout to Dundonald.

Councillor Convery said: “It is likely two teams will work at the same time, with one starting at Loans and the other at Deveron Road to try and minimise disruption.

“The first thing they will have to do is ensure people can drive into their run- ins.”

The sawmill is spending £ 13 million on a power station and needed to connect to the network at Church Street so it can sell off electricit­y it does not use.

 ??  ?? Generator The Glennon sawmill is spending £ 13 million on its own power station
Generator The Glennon sawmill is spending £ 13 million on its own power station

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