Ayrshire Post

Hats off to country as latest fitness fashion


Pull on your cowboy boots and grab your stetson as fitness giants turn to country and western to deliver a different type of fitness class.

There was a time when line dancing was one of the most popular ways of keeping fit.

In church halls up and down the country people were packing into halls, dressed in checkered shirts and peforming all the right moves to ‘ Achy Breaky Heart’.

Before Zumbaand Clubbercis­e country was king and the proof was in the numbers of people attending.

Let’s face it: country music is catchy and infectious and it’s impossible to listen without at least tapping your toes.

It’s a no- brainer then that two of the industry’s biggest players have released country and western workout DVDs.

Now, before you go running out to pick a copy up, they might not be available in the UK at the time of print but here’s the inside scoop on the country and western workouts you can look forward to soon.

First of all we look to Zumba and their amazing release ‘ Calorie Inferno’.

Zumba is a trusted fitness brand and has there ever been a worldwide phenomenon quite like it?

As well as Zumba Toning, Aqua Zumba, Zumba- tonic and the recent Zumba Strong you can now try Zumba Country.

All the hallmarks of Zumba are there.

Great music, choreograp­hy that moves with the changes in the music and highly animated presenters all make Zumba what it is and this DVD is no exception.

You won’t find the brightly colored outfits and shoes in this presentati­on though. Instead the presenters, three gals and two guys, are perfectly presented in cowboy boots, cut- off shirts and jeans.

Yes, jeans. As silly as that sounds, it works perfectly.

It’s great fun and you learn all the classic line dance moves and a few others too.

Music- wise, expect the expected. There’s a great dance to ‘ Cotton Eyed Joe’ that you will end up singing for the rest of the day when you have finished the workout.

Some savvy UK Zumba instructor­s have already been treated to the choreograp­hy from Zumba Country so don’t be surprised if you hear a slightly different rhythm at your regular Zumba session.

The second release in this unexpected genre is from none other than Beachbody.

Yes, the gang that kept you up at night watching infomercia­ls has released ‘ Country Heat’, a three- disc DVD selection that is packed with content.

You get five 30- minute dance workouts, a 24- minute conditioni­ng class, a 12- minute line dance lesson and a bonus 30- minute workout from previous release 21 Day Fix.

The dance sections are perhaps not as accomplish­ed as the Zumba release but the overall quality is very good.

Musically, again I think Zumba have the edge but that’s only a personal preference.

A super bonus on this release is the 30- day workout calendar, recipe ideas and portion control containers that were also part of previous Beachbody formats.

Both DVDs are great for the home workout market and the country and western theme is great fun and really motivating.

The presenters are perfectly presented in cowboy boots, cut- off shirts and jeans. Yes, jeans.

 ??  ?? Country style Fitness could be heavily influenced by country and western this year
Country style Fitness could be heavily influenced by country and western this year
 ??  ?? Back to the future Line dancing once packed halls across Scotland
Back to the future Line dancing once packed halls across Scotland

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