Ayrshire Post

Actress tells court of years of abuse


An award- winning actress took to the witness stand at court to tell how she was sexually abused by a paedophile in Ayr.

Colin McKissock, 65, was found guilty of subjecting the star to sick ordeals during the 1980s, when she was only 11.

McKissock was babysittin­g when the abuse took place, Ayr Sheriff Court heard last week.

The predator groomed her by making her watch porn and read dirty magazines. He also abused her during car trips to the Carrick Hills.

He exposed his privates, and induced her to carry out a sex act on various occasions over the course of two years.

She went to the police in 2014 after living with the terrible memories for years.

McKissock, formerly of Prestwick, denied three charges of committing lewd and libinous practices towards her and a pal.

But as he stood in the dock the jury found him guilty by majority of the charges after hearing the evidence during the two- day trial.

He was found guilty of exposing himself, removing his lower clothing, giving the victim porn, making dirty comments, carrying out sex acts in her presence and causing her to do the same between 1982 and 1984.

The jury also found him guilty of exposing himself to her friend and attempting to get her to performa sexual act.

McKissock, who now lives in Northampto­n, will be sentenced.

Sheriff Desmond Leslie called for background reports.

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