Ayrshire Post

Don’t be lonely, friends are here

- Sarah Hilley

Ready- made friends are standing up against the epidemic of loneliness.

Homeless charity Seascape has establishe­d a befriendin­g service to reach out to socially isolated folk.

The service runs two sessions a week in Ayr and helps get people out of the house and connect with the community.

And the project leaders want to extend the hand of friendship to lonely people in Troon and Girvan - setting up groups there.

Seascape befriendin­g co- ordinator Jim Montgomery said: “People don’t talk over the garden fence anymore like they used to. We don’t have the community we once had.

“There are lots and lots of lonely people out there. We aim to integrate them into the community. We aim to connect the dots - and the difference it makes is phenomenal.

“Being on your own is very stressful. One woman who comes along to our group on Thursday said it is the reason she gets out of bed. We have coffee and scones and put the world to rights for three hours.”

The crew also organise nights out and a trip to the Gaiety to see Legally Blonde was a big hit.

Viv Woodward, 61, who has moved to Ayr from Kent attends the Thursday morning befriendin­g service in the Salvation Army Church.

She said: “I moved here in October. The group has been really good for me as I didn’t know anybody.”

Another group session takes place every Tuesday at the Davis Snooker Club in the town supporting people with alcohol and drug issues.

One- to- one sessions are also part of the service.

Befriender Roisin McGinley meets a lady regularly for walks and social occasions.

Roisin, 27, said: “I am here as someone for her to socialise with and have a banter with. It is great to get out of the house.”

The team want to expand their offerings above the 20 people they currently support. Girvan and Troon have been earmarked for befriendin­g groups with efforts being made to attract funding. New volunteers are also needed. Jim added: “We are looking for more volunteers who are willing to give a couple of hours a week.

“They just have to take someone out for coffee or take them to the cinema. We will pay for that.”

To find out more call Jim on 01292 271005 or 0743603346­4.

 ??  ?? There for you Jim Montgomery, Roisin McGinley and Viv Woodward
There for you Jim Montgomery, Roisin McGinley and Viv Woodward

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