Ayrshire Post

Choir hit high notes for charity


Ayrshire singers will be hitting the high notes later this month.

The Farmers and Farmers Wives Choirs Charity Concert is being held in Motherwell, with several Ayrshire people set to take part.

The choirs were formed in September 2013, to take part in the Scottish Young Farmers’ 75th anniversar­y concert, held in the Hydro Arena in Glasgow, in November that year.

This was the start of a journey where the choirs have performed at events all over Scotland including a regular appearance at the Royal Highland Show, which, this year will be followed up with a trip to Campbeltow­n for a concert in early July.

Rehearsals are held in Lanark, with choir members coming from all over the country – not just Ayrshire, but Perthshire, Lanarkshir­e, Dumfries and Galloway, Berwick, Fife, Loch Lomond and Campbeltow­n.

On Sunday, February 26, at 7.30pm, the choirs will be holding their second charity concert in Motherwell Concert Hall and Theatre, at the Civic Centre, Windmillhi­ll Street, Motherwell, ML1 1AB. Tickets are £ 12. The two Charities they are supporting this year are the St Andrew’s Hospice Capital Appeal and Parkinson’s Scotland.

Marjorie Johnston, from Sorn, said: “I’m really looking forward to the show and having a good night for two great charities”

Tickets at culturenl. co. uk/ farmersfar­merswives- choirs or call 01698 403120.

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