Ayrshire Post

Hole lot of bother

Resident’s concern over state of street surface

- Stephen Houston

A disputed pot hole has finally been filled in – as a “matter of courtesy.”

Billy Woods became increasing­ly worried about the hole outside his country home.

Cars race along the 60mph stretch, often overtaking, and he feared they’d lose control if they clipped it.

It took a month for any action over the foot-and-a- half hole on the B742 Sandyford Toll road just outside Mossblown.

He said: “I contacted the Ayrshire Roads Alliance four times about it.

“They came out two weeks ago and filled in other bits but not the hole I called them about.

“Finally I ringed it with a red marker so they could’t fail to see it.”

The former tree surgeon is rightly concerned about holes in the ground.

Six years ago he fell into a hole in the pavement in Crown Street, Ayr.

Dad- of- four Billy, 50, cracked his head on the road which caused a brain tumour.

Surgeons in Glasgow told him he wasn’t going to live, but he managed to pull through.

He said: “I just wanted the road outside my home to be safe for me and the family.”

The Alliance finally relented on Thursday afternoon, despite claiming it was in fact on Billy’s land.

Billy added: “The hole has been there for the last month and gradually got bigger and bigger with the amount of water.

“Some drivers use this bit as a racetrack as it is the only straight stretch for a while.

“Young ones overtake and go as fast as they possibly can.

“Had a tyre gone into the hole at speed it could have been carnage.

“I am delighted it has now been filled in and the potential danger is over.”

Head of Roads Stewart Turner said: “The Ayrshire Roads Alliance inspected this section of road following a complaint from a member of the public.

“The inspection showed that the section of road in question was outwith the public road limits and that the fault was caused by water damage.

“However, as a matter of courtesy, the Alliance carried out the repair.”

 ??  ?? Driven potty Mossblown resident Billy Woods has been frustrated by holes in the road
Driven potty Mossblown resident Billy Woods has been frustrated by holes in the road
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