Ayrshire Post

Cash grants are improving South Ayrshire

Charitable trust making a difference


Sarah Jane McDonald The South Ayrshire Charitable Trust is helping the community improve their quality of life from Troon to Girvan.

Set up by the council last year to help people in need, the Trust has so far donated over £ 150,000 to individual­s and groups. The funding is being used to tackle issues such as social isolation among older people and to help those seeking employment develop new skills.

The Ayr Gaiety Partnershi­p was awarded £ 6000 by the Trust which is being used to help run Dementia friendly events at the theatre. Rishaad Moudden from the partnershi­p told the Post: “The funding has enabled us to expand to provide more quality dementia friendly activities. It has also helped us secure additional finding which means we can do even more.”

New Life Diamonds in Prestwick were awarded £ 5,000 to run an over 60s befriendin­g group, providing activities and bringing people together for a meal at the New Life Centre in the town.

Willie Stewart from New Life Diamonds said: “We were so grateful for the funding we received as it enables us to reach out to elderly people who can become socially isolated. We now plan on opening weekly and should have a bus pick up service in place.”

The Girvan Town Team was awarded £ 5000 to set up a Men’s Shed Initiative, allowing men and women within the town to meet for a chat and take part in practical activities. They plan to use the funding to build and then equip a multi- function shed.

The Carrick Centre in Maybole plan to use their award of nearly £ 600 to purchase cookery equipment for a series of workshops where people can learn to cook and find out about the benefits of healthy eating. Coral McMillan from the centre said: “The funding has provided us with essential bakery equipment for our trainees to learn how to make delicious and nutritious food, It will also provide protective clothing for our budding chefs.”

The Troon Arthritis Group was awarded £ 500 to reduce equipment costs for people with the condition and the funding will help take those suffering from arthritis on trips and outings.

Councillor Bill McIntosh, leader of South Ayrshire Council, added: “It is really uplifting to learn about all the initiative­s which are being supported through the South Ayrshire Charitable Trust.

“Even a little funding can make a big difference in our communitie­s and I am looking forward to hearing more success stories in the future.”

The South Ayrshire Charitable Trust is made up of 23 former trusts which operated throughout South Ayrshire and the Council has now brought all of these trusts together to help as many people as possible.

To find out more about South Ayrshire Charitable Trust, visit www. south- ayrshire. gov. uk/ funding or contact Marion Young, Community Planning Officer on 01292 612626.

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