Ayrshire Post

A tasty treat from Chris


This is a romantic dessert that will keep your loved one sweet, I guarantee it.

Preparatio­n time is one hour 30 minutes and cooking time is 1012 minutes. Serves six dessert portions. For panna cotta: 12 ripe and wrinkly passion fruit; 300ml pot double cream; 160ml pack coconut cream; 140g caster sugar; juice of half a lemon; 12g sachet powdered gelatine; two tbs icing sugar; 50ml raspberry puree. For the honeycomb: Butter for greasing; 200g caster sugar; five tbs golden syrup; two tsp bicarbonat­e of soda. For balsamic: Two cups balsamic vinegar; half a cup of brown sugar. Halve 6 of the passion fruit and scoop out the pulp into a saucepan. Add the cream, coconut cream, caster sugar and lemon juice, heat everything together, then gently boil, stirring until the sugar has dissolved, add raspberry puree. When the cream is just simmering, scoop out about 100ml into a small bowl and scatter over the gelatine. Stir until dissolved, stir back into the saucepan, then take off the heat. Press through a sieve into a jug, then pour the mixture into six individual mini pudding basins.

Leave to set in the fridge for at least four hours until completely set.

Meanwhile, halve and scoop the rest of the passion fruit through a sieve into a bowl. Mix to sweeten with the icing sugar, add one tbs of the seeds from the sieve back into the sauce, then stir to mix. Can be made up to two days in advance and chilled.

To serve: Briefly dip the panna cotta moulds into hot water until they just loosen at the sides, then invert onto serving plates.

Spoon the sauce around the plates and serve.

Honeycomb: Grease a 20cm square tin with the butter. Mix the caster sugar and syrup in a deep saucepan and stir over a gentle heat until the sugar has melted.

Try not to let the mixture bubble until the sugar grains have disappeare­d.

Once completely melted, turn up the heat a little and simmer until you have an amber coloured caramel ( this won’t take long), then as quickly as you can turn off the heat, tip in the bicarbonat­e and beat in with a wooden spoon until it has all disappeare­d and the mixture is foaming.

Scrape into the tin immediatel­y but be careful as the mixture will be very hot.

The mixture will continue bubbling in the tin, simply leave it and in about one hour to one hour 30 mins the honeycomb will be hard and ready to crumble or snap into chunks.

Balsamic vinegar: Mix balsamic vinegar with brown sugar in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly until sugar has dissolved.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer until glaze is reduced by half, about 20 minutes. Glaze should coat the back of a spoon.

Let cool and pour into a jar with a lid; store in refrigerat­or.

Serve with a big scoop of love.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Tempting treat Panna cotta with a fruity twist
Tempting treat Panna cotta with a fruity twist
 ??  ?? Chris Steele, our Ayrshire Life chef, runs The Stage Door Restaurant and Hollybush House restaurant.
Each week Chris will be sharing one of his favourite dishes from his collection for you to make at home. This week he prepares raspberry, coconut and...
Chris Steele, our Ayrshire Life chef, runs The Stage Door Restaurant and Hollybush House restaurant. Each week Chris will be sharing one of his favourite dishes from his collection for you to make at home. This week he prepares raspberry, coconut and...

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