Ayrshire Post

Taxi drivers are battling for fares

Make it odds off, evens on


Tarbolton to Tesco?

Well, every good town needs a thriving taxi industry – and many of South Ayrshire’s drivers are finding it tough out there.

South Ayrshire Council seem happy enough to collect their licence fees - but don’t give much assistance in return.

It can’t have been more than a year ago when drivers were forced off the Station Hotel’s “ramp” with zero notice.

Now, it’s chaos again as road works play havoc with the main taxi rank at Smith Street.

And there’s talk of limiting the number of cars allowed to sit at any one time.

Taxi driving is hard work and responsibl­e work - and the drivers need some considerat­ion.

Perhaps our newly elected council in May will look at ways of helping them.

Space to “rank” is at a premium – while an acre of decrepit Ayr Station Hotel’s car park is out of bounds.

Why not let cars into Burns Statue Square at night? Most of the public parking bays lie empty from mid evening – and it would take the strain off Smith Street and the issues with residents and noise?

South Ayrshire most also think again about their taxi policy. A ban on issuing a new licence – until an old one is surrendere­d – should be on the newly elected councils’ agenda.

But the drivers need to help themselves as well. Too many cars are chasing too few fares.

Why not pilot a voluntary “day off” scheme where, for example, odd numbered plates would be rested on a Monday – but have a better chance of business when even numbered plates are rested on a Tuesday?

South Ayrshire needs a flourishin­g taxi trade.

But the drivers need a fare deal too!

 ??  ?? Rank rotten cabbies need support Our
Rank rotten cabbies need support Our

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