Ayrshire Post

Banner row over A77 signs

- Lochlin Highet

Signs demanding action on the A77 south of Ayr have been torn down by road bosses – despite fears that they had been stolen by thieves.

The A77 Action Group tied posters along the road, from the Whitletts roundabout all the way to Stranraer, and when they went missing on Monday, July 10 it was believed they had been stolen.

But it has been revealed that Scotland TranServ were responsibl­e for tearing down the signs.

The 12 signs taken down cost the group a total of £ 250 and they are now being held at Maybole Police Station.

However, an Ayr- based signmaking company has offered to print them new signs free of charge – as long as the group get adequate permission for all of them.

Retired firefighte­r and road campaigner John Campbell, 67, put up the signs, and discovered that they had gone missing days later.

He said: “Initially we thought it was some young trouble makers that had taken them. Now we know it was TranServ and Transport Scotland we are furious.

“If they had sent us a simple email saying we had to take them down then we would have. We are not here to cause trouble – we just want to get our message across.”

Just two days before the signs were taken the group had a meeting with TranServ and claim that they didn’t raise the issue of the signs. However, a number of witnesses told them that they had seen a Transport Scotland van next to the signs just days later.

John added: “If the signs were illegal then I would understand them being taken down.

“But I had permission from landowners for all but three of the signs, all of whom were delighted to help our cause.”

John claims that Transport Scotland have wanted rid of the group for a while but said: “We are going nowhere. We have done so much for the community since we started in December.”

A letter received by the action group from TranServ’s network area manager Martin Gannon said: “I can confirm illegal signs were removed from the Trunk Road Network.

“Working or erecting signs on the Trunk Road Network without proper permission is a dangerous operation which cannot be condoned.

“I would recommend that further signing strategies be discussed with Transport Scotland prior to any action or expense incurred.”

 ??  ?? Banner- napped The signs which were removed by road bosses
Banner- napped The signs which were removed by road bosses
 ??  ?? Campaigner John Campbell
Campaigner John Campbell

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