Ayrshire Post

Reduce it to dust

Rail bosses want Station Hotel demolished

- Stuart Wilson

Panicking rail bosses want Ayr’s crumbling Station Hotel flattened before it COLLAPSES, the Post has learned.

The iconic Victorian gateway to the town faces a £ 10million repair bill to bring it back on stream.

And with the building’s Malaysian owner digging in over its future, council chiefs face calls to step in and protect the public.

High- level talks have taken place with rail chiefs understood to hold “grave concerns” over the state of the B- Listed structure.

A string of dead rats have been found within the hotel – built in 1885 – which also has extensive water damage to its basement.

We told last month how South Ayrshire Council’s new leaders fear the massive financial burden of saving the hotel is beyond them.

But a source close to the talks said: “Clearly this situation now goes far beyond money.

“The financial problem for the council is understand­able but they also have a public duty of care.

“Network Rail have grave concerns over the state of the building – and with very good reason.

“If a piece of that structure comes down on a platform, the issue of liability will be a thorny subject.

“It’s little wonder they would prefer to see the structure gone rather than have this drag on.”

Among the options floated to the council is slapping a Compulsory Purchase Order ( CPO) on the building and its owner, Eng Huat Ung.

He is understood to be holding out for £ 1million on his £ 750,000 buy made in 2010.

The source added: “All hell would break loose with demolition, not least because of the history attached to the Station Hotel.

“The building would also have to be de- listed and all of these processes take time.

“But it’s clear the status quo is not an option.”

A Network Rail spokesman said: “We are liaising closely with the council to support the authority as it seeks to resolve this issue.

“Our priority is to ensure the continuing deteriorat­ion of the building is addressed and that it does not affect the safe running of the railway.”

Council officer Mike Newall said: “The Station Hotel is privately owned and the condition of the building is very much the responsibi­lity of the owner.

“However, we are continuing to monitor the building to ensure public safety.”

 ??  ?? Crumbling Rail bosses fear falling masonry
Crumbling Rail bosses fear falling masonry

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