Ayrshire Post

Anger at ‘ slap on wrist’ for stalker

Publican’s fury as ex- partner admonished

- Sally McLean

A pub landlady has blasted the justice system which let her stalker off with nothing more than a “slap on the wrist”.

Carol Ward, 52, suffered months of hell when her ex- partner Alistair Goodwin, 47, began harassing her after she broke off their relationsh­ip.

Goodwin, of Ayr, sent Carol approximat­ely 600 texts over a period of just two months and even let himself into her home while she was out.

The former bus driver pleaded guilty to stalking his ex- partner but was merely admonished at Ayr Sheriff Court.

Carol, who owns the Ye Old Forte Bar in Ayr, said: “There is meant to be a zero- tolerance approach to stalking, yet he actually pleaded guilty and – to my mind – he got off.

“He could have been sent to prison but instead he more or less got a finger wagged at him and told not to do it again.

“Being stalked is horrific. Someone invades your life and makes you so scared to look at a text or answer the phone or open your door.

“I lived my life in a tiny triangle for months, going from home to work to the local shop.

“Alistair Goodwin stole my life and tried to destroy me and it took all my courage to see charges brought against him.

“But even when he admitted it, all he got was a ticking- off.”

Carol met Goodwin nearly three years ago.

She added: “We got on really well for the first 18 months and were planning to get married. Then things started to go downhill.

“He became erratic and verbally abusive and blamed medication he was taking, although his drinking was actually the real problem.

“He also claimed he couldn’t remember these incidents but he sometimes brought chocolates and flowers and apologised.

“I started withdrawin­g from my family and friends because I felt so low and lacking in confidence.”

Eventually, Carol persuaded Goodwin to go for counsellin­g, and decided not to get married while their situation was so unhappy. She went on: “I was at rock bottom by then – coming home at night feeling so on edge and nervous.

“He talked down to me constantly. I dreaded coming in – my stomach would be in knots because I had no idea what mood he would be in.”

In January, Carol finally decided to end their relationsh­ip after Goodwin came to her pub and started screaming at her.

She said: “He started ranting at me. He was drunk and I just wanted him to be quiet and leave.

“Then he started screaming at me in front of the customers.

“He was yelling that I was nothing without him, everyone hated me and he was going to destroy me.”

Being stalked is horrific... Someone invades your life and makes you so scared to look at a text or answer the phone

 ??  ?? Standing up for herself Publican Carol Ward
Standing up for herself Publican Carol Ward

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