Ayrshire Post

Court spares Akita after vicious rampage

- Michael Reynolds

A dog owner who let his pet run wild and attack people on a busy street has escaped with a paltry fine.

Terrified roofer Craig Harvey was left scarred in the horrific dog attack.

Zeus the giant Japanese Akita owned by Declan Maltman bit Craig and left him with deep gashes on his arm and side.

The dog also tried to clamp his jaws on another passerby – but was still spared by the Crown and was not destroyed.

Maltman, 27, denied a charge of allowing his dog to be “dangerousl­y out of control” in Ayr’s Craigie Road and Craigie Park on April 19.

But he was found guilty at Ayr Sheriff Court last month – despite attempts by his solicitor to argue that he had no case to answer.

Maltman’s Akita was not secured within a home, and broke loose on to Craigie Road causing drivers to swerve to avoid the beast.

The dog also ran towards Hugh Gillies and attempted to attack him and his dog, before it continued to run in the road without restraint.

And when it came across roofer Craig Harvey it lunged at him and bit him on his body “to his severe injury”, the court heard.

Speaking on his behalf after the attack, Carig’s dad Henry, 55, said: “The Akita jumped on him unprovoked. The dog put its paws on his shoulders and bit him on both arms and his side.

“They were severe, deep bites. Residents could hear his screams.”

Police armed with shields cornered the dog in Craigie Park and took it to Ayr police station.

Maltman was found guilty by Sheriff John Montgomery and fined £ 300, to be paid within 28 days.

Zeus must now be muzzled and kept on a lead in public.

Maltman, of Foreglen Road in Dalrymple, must also arrange for the dog to be neutered before September 5, after the Sheriff denied a crown motion to destroy the dog.

 ??  ?? Police raced to Craigie Road where the dog was attacking passers- by and left Craig Harvey with deep bites
Police raced to Craigie Road where the dog was attacking passers- by and left Craig Harvey with deep bites
 ??  ?? Terror scene
Terror scene

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