Ayrshire Post

Scrum on down and fundraise

- Lochlin Highet

An event to celebrate the life of a local man and to raise money for charity will be held next week.

Ayr Rugby Club will host the function aimed at celebratin­g the life of Gordon Lindsay - and it will also be an effort to raise money for British Heart Foundation and the Golden Jubilee Hospital.

The event will take place on Saturday, August 12, and it will kick off at 7.30pm - running until 1am.

Gordon died of coronary heart disease at the age of just 45 one year ago.

Coronary heart disease is the term that describes what happens when your heart’s blood supply is blocked or interrupte­d by a build- up of fatty substances in the coronary arteries.

He was a well- respected farmer at Glenconner Farm in Ochiltree and was also a loving family man.

His family are still struggling with the unexpected loss.

His step- daughter Carrie, 27, said: “None of us knew anything about Gordon having this disease and we were all devastated when he passed away.

“He was at a charity rugby event the day it happened, he was with my brother and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

“But that night he died in his sleep suddenly - we did not know how to react.”

Gordon was at hospital the week before he died for unrelated reasons.

He had severe stomach pains - but the doctors thought nothing of it and sent him home with some painkiller­s. That is exactly why we are raising funds,” said accounting assistant Carrie, “To raise awareness.”

“I feel that not enough is being done about this and there is not enough support for the families of victims. We are trying our best to address that - and we are hoping the funds we raise will help.”

The event will have a DJ, a buffet, a mechanical bull and more. There are limited tickets at £ 12 for adults and £ 7 for children. Contact carrie. crosthwait­e@ hotmail. co. uk .

 ??  ?? Cherished Gordon and wife Suzanne
Cherished Gordon and wife Suzanne

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