Ayrshire Post

‘ Hallucinat­ing’ dad jailed

- Michael Reynolds

A dad who was found “hallucinat­ing” in a beach front play park has been jailed.

Derek Samson, 30, was spotted by a concerned passer- by on Troon’s South Beach singing and trying to pick things up on the floor that weren’t there on April 28.

Police eventually found Samson inside the play park and took him to Ayr police station.

Depute fiscal Steven McLean said: “On the way, the accused spoke but made no sense and couldn’t understand why he had been arrested. He didn’t seem to recall being at the play park.”

Samson – whose address was given as no fixed abode – blamed the bizarre incident on drinking alcohol while taking medication – which his defence agent said had led to the “rare side- effects” he showed that day.

Samson’s defence agent told Ayr Sheriff Court: “My client accepts he should never have consumed alcohol on top of his medication.”

He escaped with a deferred sentence for his embarrassi­ng show on the shore – but was jailed for knowingly breaching bail conditions from a previous charge.

Samson had been ordered to stay away from the home of his partner and threeyearo­ld daughter in Troon’s Union Street, but returned on two separate occasions.

The first time, he claimed he was returning money to the mother of his child – but the second time, he told police he simply missed his family.

Sheriff Mhairi Mactaggart sentenced Samson to four months for each of the bail breaches.

Sentence was deferred on the South Beach charge for the court to obtain supplement­ary reports.

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