Ayrshire Post

People power stops turbines

- Stuart Wilson

An energy giant’s bid to pile more windmills into scenic South Ayrshire has been blown off course.

Villagers in Dailly have scored a victory in their attempts to protect the village from another onslaught.

Power firm SSE were refused plans for a 22- turbine windfarm at Hadyard Hill.

Council planner John Esslemont said the 413- foot masts would unleash “wide visual impacts” if given the green light.

The hills already house 52 turbines, erected in 2006, and power firms are keen to squeeze more juice from the plot.

Now residents have delivered the firm message that enough is enough.

The latest applicatio­n was kicked into touch at a meeting of South Ayrshire’s planning panel on Thursday.

Ron Turnbull, vice- chair of Dailly Community Council, said: “We’re known as the village of 100 turbines because things are so bad.

“We are literally surrounded and they would keep building them if they could.

“Hopefully this sends a clear message that enough is enough.

“But we know they will keep coming back and no doubt lodge their appeal with the Scottish Government.”

Locals have even developed their own 3D model to illustrate the turbine troubles.

Almost 500 masts are either active or in the pipeline across the county.

Ron, 73, added: “It’s changed the way of life for so many people who live in this part of the world.

“Some have even been forced from their homes to escape the misery.”

At the planning meeting Tory councillor Ian Fitzsimmon­s said: “It is clear the people of South Carrick feel they have enough turbines.”

Labour member Ian Cavana said: “Luckily I’ll never have these in Ayr North but it’s clear we must raise our concerns.”

And Peter Convery ( Con) said: “A large part of the original Hadyard Hill has already been destroyed and we need to protect whatever scenic values we can.”

SSE said it was disappoint­ed by the decision to refuse the project, which it claimed would deliver a £ 57.4 million boost to the Scottish economy.

The company’s Jonathan Wilson said: “The Hadyard Hill extension team have worked incredibly hard to address the concerns of the community and local council over the extension.

“We are disappoint­ed that South Ayrshire’s planning committee has chosen to recommend refusal of the Hadyard Hill Extension and we will now work to identify options available for taking the project forward.”

It has changed the way of life for many people. Some have been forced from their homes. Ron Turnbull

 ??  ?? Stop the turbines Ron Turnbull with a model of the masts
Stop the turbines Ron Turnbull with a model of the masts
 ??  ?? Wind in figures It all adds up
Wind in figures It all adds up

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