Ayrshire Post


Developer says car parking needs sorted

- Sarah Hilley

It is going to happen.

That is the promise from developer John Campbell who is charged with saving Ayr’s dilapidate­d Belleisle mansion.

The Auchinleck entreprene­ur has hit back at South Ayrshire Council bosses after they issued him with a public ultimatum over the delay of the five- star hotel.

But Mr Campbell reveals the council actually ordered him to lay down his tools and threatened to take him to court unless he stopped.

He laid bare how a council restrictio­n would stop him reselling the hotel afterwards.

Another problem is planners are insisting his car park is split into different areas, which he branded “ridiculous.

He wants the Pets Corner patch for parking.

Mr Campbell said: “As usual the council are twisting the facts. I am confident it will happen but only if the council come to an agreement about the car parking. The council’s conditions are simply outwith my control to comply with. They are under pressure but they are trying to blame it all on me.

“My biggest issue is in the event that I sell the hotel the car parking spaces will transfer back to the control of the council. This would put any buyer off.

“I would spend £ 8 million on an asset that is unsalable. I may not want to put it on the market I may hand it over to family but I would like the option.”

The keen golfer was shocked to be berated over work coming to a standstill as he was barred from building.

He said: “Earlier the council threatened to report me to the procurator fiscal for working on the hotel before their conditions were satisfied.

“I realise the council need to keep the people of Ayr happy and provide facilities. But they need to understand that if I am going to invest a big amount of money I have to be in control of certain aspects as well.”

The grandfathe­r already splashed out more than £ 1 million to make the hotel watertight and will invest another £ 8 million to transform it into one of the West of Scotland’s most upmarket venues.

He said: “If it wasn’t for the work we carried out the building would be a ruin.”

The idea of splitting parking spaces for the hotel all across the park is also a major concern.

He said: “Imagine turning up at a five- star hotel and hearing there are 10 spaces over there and other 15 in another direction. I need 127 car parking spaces all together close to the building.”

The building was supposed to open this month but Mr Campbell insists it is still a reality but said he can’t confirm a date.

The number of visitors to Belleisle has jumped to 200,000 annually.

Mr Campbell said: “I can make that 400,000. The hotel will have a spa, 100 bedrooms and a 200- seater conference room. When I was young you couldn’t walk down Ayr High Street because it was so busy. Ayr needs regenerati­on. Who would not want a five- star hotel sitting in the heart of Burns country with the best golf courses in the world in a beautiful park, which has had a fortune spent on it?”

 ??  ?? Fury Council to blame says John Campbell
Fury Council to blame says John Campbell

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