Ayrshire Post

Dangers of street valium


People have been left fighting for their lives after taking deadly street valium in Ayrshire within the past fortnight.

A number of drug users have been rushed to A& E and ended up on life support, the Post has learned.

It turnedoutt­heyhadtake­n a toxic batch of street valium. Therehasbe­enastrange­spike in more severe symptoms from the substance with patients suffering serious kidney and organ failure.

A top NHS Ayrshire & Arran medic has warned users they are endangerin­g their lives by taking the pills.

Dr Morten Draegebo, clinical director of emergency medicine, said: “Although NHS Ayrshire & Arran has not seen a marked increase in the number of people attending our emergency department­s with side effects of taking street valium, an increase in the severity of symptoms has been noticed.

“Street valium has unpredicta­ble side effects, and can lead to people suffering life- threatenin­g damage to their kidneys and other organs and needing immediate life support. The main symptom of street valium is drowsiness and difficulty in breathing effectivel­y.

“We would urge anyone thinking of using illicit drugs, including street valium, and those drugs formerly called ‘ legal highs’, to keep in mind that they will not know what they are taking and they are endangerin­g their life by taking them.”

The health board did not confirm how many people had been affected.

More informatio­n is available at www. talktofran­k. com.

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