Ayrshire Post

£ 50k slaughter of prized sheep

Yet hell hounds escape ultimate punishment

- Sarah Hilley

Two killer dogs are this week enjoying living with their owner despite slaying 33 pregnant sheep on a Barr farm.

Appearing in court this week their owner Michael Siddle, 35 admitted the beasts had attacked farmer David Morrison’s flock.

David is outraged the brutal animals have not been destroyed and slammed the decision as “absolutely ludicrous.”

The two- year- old Catahuoula and gun dog German Pointer, four, were allowed to run free and wandered away from Siddle who was planting trees near Linfairn Loch.

Three days after going missing they savaged David’s terrified ewes on a remote hill causing £ 50,000 worth of financial loss to Dalwyne Farm.

David said: “The owner should put the dogs down. How can you trust those dogs ever again? They are a danger to adults never mind children.”

Depute fiscal Andrew Lazarin said Siddle discovered the dogs were nowhere to be seen on March 3 after they were left untethered while he planted trees. He reported them missing to the police at 12.10am.

On March 6 David headed out to feed his Backface Ewes and was shocked to discover ewes lying lifeless and others with gruesome injuries.

Mr Lazarin said: “Two dogs were seen standing over a dead ewe by the farmer who chased them to prevent further injuries.”

He told the court how a neighbouri­ng farmer rushed to the field with a gun and shot one of the hounds, which fell to the ground and them jumped up again.

The descriptio­n of Siddle’s missing pets matched that of the murdering pair.

The dogs came back to Siddle’s caravan on March 9 and he reported their return.

Mr Lazarin said: “Police attended and the dogs were photograph­ed. One of the dogs had an injury to the left side of the head were he had been shot. Both dogs appeared malnourish­ed. They were missing for a total of six days. The accused was cautioned and charged and the dogs were left in his care.” Defence lawyer Quinton Muir said Siddle, of Hexham, was self employed and lived in a caravan while he planted trees.

He said his client believed his pets may have been snatched by youths.

Mr Muir said: “He searched for them and reported the dogs which were microchipp­ed.”

He added: “He didn’t stand by and just let this happen.”

He said insurance has covered the financial loss of the sheep on his 1,550 acre land.

Mr Muir added: “The police are sympatheti­c of Mr Siddle’s plight.

“There is no direct evidence of the dogs attacking anything. The dogs were standing over the sheep.”

Mr Muir continued: “The dogs are not penned and awaiting destructio­n.”

The lawyer said Siddle has ensured the dogs are tethered to avoid a repetition.

Describing Siddle’s reaction to the crime, he said: “He is truly sorry for this episode.”

Sheriff Mhairi MacTaggart fined Siddle £ 500.

 ??  ?? No justice David Morrison wants the dogs put to sleep
No justice David Morrison wants the dogs put to sleep
 ??  ?? What a waste The pregnant ewes
What a waste The pregnant ewes

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