Ayrshire Post

Lost job and fined after pole threats

- Michael Reynolds

An engineer seeking vengeance for a stab attack on his partner’s son threatened a couple with a metal bar outside their home.

Euan Traynor, 34, appeared in the dock at Ayr Sheriff Court last week charged with causing fear and alarm and brandishin­g an offensive weapon.

The highly- s k i l l e d aerospace worker admitted arriving at a home on Piedmont Road, Girvan, in the early hours of Saturday, July 29.

Depute fiscal Andrew Lazarin said: “At 3.15am witnesses were asleep in their home address and were awakened by the sound of someone shouting, swearing and banging an object against the front door.

“The home owner went to the front door to investigat­e while his partner went to the back of the property to stay safe.

“He then saw the accused standing at the staricase to the front door with the pole in his hand.

“He then opened the front door and saw damage and when he asked what he was doing, Mr Traynor shouted, ‘ Get the boys out here’.

“Police arrived a short time later and as they were driving into the road they saw the accused walking from the road to the front staircase and at that stage he had the pole still in his hand.”

The court heard how Traynor spent the weekend in custody following the incident – and lost his job with British Aerospace as a result.

His defence agent Jilly Molloy told the court how he has now had to move to Munich to seek alternativ­e employment with Ruag Airspace.

She said: “His partners son was attacked and stabbed a few weeks prior to this.

“He had heard through the grapevine that the boys involved were inside the property.

“Mr Traynor had too much to drink and had he not been so drunk he would not have acted in this way.

“He realised the error of his way, and realises that he is in a very precarious position.”

Traynor, who pled guilty at the first opportunit­y, was ordered to pay a £ 700 fine for his threatenin­g and abusive behaviour and another £ 700 fine for carrying the offensive weapon.

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