Ayrshire Post

Ayrshire’s Burner debate rages on


I have no great desire to be drawn into a public debate over the proposed waste incinerato­r at Tarbolton but feel compelled to respond to one aspect of Joe Dalling’s letter.

He presumes to advise us all that we should educate ourselves on the merits of the case during the consultati­on period before airing our views but then, rather audaciousl­y, goes on to air his own personal views! Mr. Dalling’s views make it abundantly clear on which side of the fence he sits.

He has nailed his colours firmly to the mast. His comments leave us in absolutey no doubt where his loyalties lie and that is not with the local community who are overwhelmi­ngly opposed to this proposed developmen­t. the three heads on Ayr Academy in Fort Street are that of Watt, Burns and Wilkie, representi­ng Science, Literature and Art as listed in Dr John Strawhorn’ s book “750 years of a Scottish School.”

All my schooling was at Ayr Academy from the age of 5 when it was Primary and Secondary. Unfortunat­ely that dates me! I hope they are kept when the building is refurbishe­d. As Councillor­s for Ayr North, we want to respond to your scaremonge­ring front- page article, ‘ Anger at gypsy stealth plot for Ayr’, and reassure Newton residents of our unwavering commitment to ensure this Council administra­tion works in the best interests of their local community.

The Newton community have to live every day with the impact of long- standing legacy issues that were not addressed in the right way at the time, and we are actively looking at what we can do to tackle this and make life better for them.

These are not decisions that will be taken in isolation, but will be part of an ongoing dialogue with local people about how we can invest in and support the local community to make real changes that will have a positive impact.

While Council officers are looking at options for suitable sites for the travelling community, there are no sites being considered in the Newton area and we are writing to Newton Tenants and Residents Associatio­n to confirm this and our commitment to working with them.

A customer came in and walked up the shop smoking an E- cigarette . . . in a cancer shop!

How low can people go nowadays? The volunteer at the till was mortified, no wonder. I would like to thank the doctors, nurses and tea ladies who looked after me when I was in Ayr Hospital ( ward 3 and ward 14).

A brilliant job they are doing, the Red Cross guys were brilliant and the girls from the vascular clinic were fantastic.

A good job we have you. Ayrshire WASPI had a great day at Ayrshire Colleges conference held at Ayr Race Centre on the 11 th August.

The campaignin­g group were given a table to assist 1950` s born women who want to raise a complaint against the Department of Work and Pensions and their maladminis­tration in communicat­ing the changes to state pension age. The group provided 22 women with the template letters required to begin their complaint process. Membership of Ayrshire WASPI is growing daily and at the previous meeting held in August at the Kilmarnock Railway Station the room was filled to capacity.

Growing confidence in the campaign is continuing with cross party group MPs planning a sponsored bill next month.

The date of the next meeting is being held at Kilmarnock Railway Station meeting room on Saturday 9 th September at 10.00 to 12.00. The cost is £ 3 to cover refreshmen­ts and room hire. Great War 100 years ago.

Yet just 23 years later, in 1940, a much smaller group of brave airmen from Britain, Poland and the Commonweal­th gave their all to defend these British Islands against another onslaught by an enormous enemy horde who tried to enslave the whole of Europe.

Winston Churchill said: “Never in the field of conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”

On the 77th anniversar­y of the Battle of Britain, we at the Ayr and Prestwick branch of the Royal Air Forces Associatio­n invite all of you to attend the Annual Battle of Britain rememberan­ce service at Prestwick War Memorial on Sunday, September 17 at 3pm. Firstly let me say that no one has any objection to the use of the green at Seafield Drive as a temporary car park for the The Scottish Internatio­nal Airshow.

However on 1 August I received an email stating that ` due to circumstan­ces beyond our control we cannot use this area.’

Yet over the two days of the airshow part of the green was roped off and managed by stewards.

May be TSIA or South Ayrshire Council could inform us what change to circumstan­ces caused this volte- face.

I think we all should know. Congratula­tions to old “Frostbite” crew mates, Billy Cuthbertso­n and Tom Brown on their awards for long service aboard the Troon Lifeboat crew.

Well deserved.

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