Ayrshire Post

CCTV bid to catch bookie raider

Detectives still hunting town centre armed robber

- Michael Reynolds

Police have released an image of a man they want to speak to in relation to an armed raid on a High Street bookmaker.

The image shows a man wearing a black jacket and a grey hat – and detectives believe he could be key to solving the mystery of the robbery.

The Ladbrokes on Maybole High Street was targeted at around 5.35pm on Sunday, October 8 and police are yet to catch the bandit who made off with a three- figure sum of cash.

He brandished a weapon at staff and demanded money, before making his escape in a “light coloured saloon car” at high speed.

The CCTV footage is the latest attempt to crack the case, with police still hoping to trace the driver of a black Audi A3 who was almost hit by the thief as he escaped.

Detective Sergeant Jane Hogg from Ayr CID said: “I would appeal to anyone who was in the surroundin­g area and may have seen anything suspicious to please get in touch.

“I would also like to speak to the driver of the black Audi A3, or anyone who had a vehicle which was parked up in John Knox Street with dashcam footage, as this might assist with our enquiry.”

The suspected robber is described as white, in his early 40s, with stubble and was wearing a dark jacket with the hood up.

Police said they were unable to describe what kind of weapon had been used in the robbery.

A Ladbrokes spokesman told the Post: “We can confirm an incident took place on Sunday, October 8 and we are assisting police with their enquiries.

“Anyone with any informatio­n about the suspect should get in touch with the police.”

Anyone with informatio­n should call Kilmarnock CID on 101 and quote incident number 3261 of Sunday 8 October 2017.

To give informatio­n anonymousl­y, call Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555 111.

 ??  ?? On camera The man police are looking to trace
On camera The man police are looking to trace

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