Ayrshire Post

Atlas maps out new life

Spooky Saturday Joy at rare birth of a tapir in captivity

- Stephen Houston

Dalmelling­ton Community Associatio­n ( DCA) present their Spooky Saturday on Saturday, October 28, 6pm8pm in the Community Centre.

Kirsty’s Kritters will be there with spiders, creepy crawlies, snakes and lots more. A new star attraction has been born in the shape of Atlas, the tapir.

In these pictures the funloving calf was just ten days old, and the apple of mum Helen’s eye.

Dad Troy has been consigned to the outside field as baby Atlas enjoys the 25C comfort of his house at the Heads of Ayr Farm Park.

Staff, including his keeper Lorraine Hill, have been celebratin­g his successful birth, quite a rare thing in captivity in the UK.

She said: “We managed to spend time with him last week - but the public will have to wait until Easter when he’s put on show at the Heads of Ayr.”

Director Greg Rankin said: “The tapirs here are already very popular. and we regard them as our ultimate power couple.

“I think young Atlas will become the star of the show.

“Complicati­ons in captivity with baby tapirs are not uncommon so we have to be careful.

“But I think it’s his mum’s relaxed nature, stress- free nose can move in all directions to grab leaves normally out of reach.

He was named Atlas - which won in a staff poll - to continue the Ancient Greek theme of his folks.

And one day Atlas - a Titan condemned to hold up the sky - will be 40- stone, just like his old dad.

Lorraine, the large animal supervisor, said: “Helen is a first time mum and had no assistance in the birth.

“She seems very relaxed and will roll over when her tummy is stroked.

“Meanwhile Atlas is frolicking around the pen having a great time.

“He is a cheeky wee monkey.”

The farm park will close for animals on October 31 for the season.

But it will remain open for soft play and for Santa’s grotto and Christmas activities.

 ??  ?? Little star Baby tapir named Atlas with mum Helen and their keeper Lorraine Hill Attraction Atlas is the apple of mum Helen’s eye
Little star Baby tapir named Atlas with mum Helen and their keeper Lorraine Hill Attraction Atlas is the apple of mum Helen’s eye
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